Group members
Research lines
PhD Thesis
Emilio O. Casamayor
Microbial food web components, bulk metabolism, and single-cell physiology of piconeuston in surface microlayers of high-altitude lakes
Inter-annual recurrence of archaeal assemblages in the coastal NW Mediterranean Sea (Blanes Bay Microbial Observatory)
Flow cytometric identification and enumeration of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria and potential for ecophysiological studies at the single-cell level
Partitioning of CO2 Incorporation Among Planktonic Microbial Guilds and Estimation of In Situ Specific Growth Rates
High-diversity biofilm for the oxidation of sulfide-containing effluents
Control of heterotrophic prokaryotic abundance and growth rate in hypersaline planktonic environments
Changes in archaeal, bacterial and eukaryal assemblages along a salinity gradient by comparison of genetic fingerprinting methods in a multipond solar saltern
Changes in bacterial and archaeal assemblages in an equatorial river induced by the water eutrophication of Petit Saut dam reservoir (French Guiana)
Prokaryotic genetic diversity throughout the salinity gradient of a coastal solar saltern
Dynamics of whole community bacterial production and grazing losses in seawater incubations as related to the changes in the proportions of bacteria with different DNA content